Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Agenda Item 8
Subject: University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust Capital Investment Programme
Date of meeting: 12 July 2023
Report of: Executive Director, Governance, People & Resources
Contact Officer: Name: Giles Rossington
Tel: 01273 295514
Ward(s) affected: All
1.1 This report presents information on University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust (UHSx) plans for capital investment on the Royal Sussex County (RSCH) site. Additional information provided by UHSx is included as Appendix 1 to this report.
2.1 That Committee notes progress in delivering University Hospitals Sussex capital investment plans (see Appendix 1).
3.1 The Royal Sussex County Hospital (RSCH) is the principal general hospital for residents of Brighton & Hove and for many East and West Sussex residents also. In addition RSCH offers a range of specialist acute services for people across Sussex and the South East of England. However, RSCH includes some of the oldest NHS buildings still in clinical use and it has long been recognised that improvements are required.
3.2 The 3Ts programme (Tertiary, Teaching and Trauma) is a major, Treasury-funded, initiative to redevelop the RSCH, providing better facilities for general hospital services and significantly expanding the hospital’s specialist facilities. Appendix 1 to this report includes information about the completion of phase 1 of 3Ts, with the opening of the Louisa Martindale Building. Appendix 1 also includes information on phase 2 of 3Ts, including the Sussex cancer centre; and on plans to reconfigure the RSCH Emergency Department.
3.3 Operating an estate that is cramped and in some instances not fit for purpose presents many challenges, and is a significant factor in the relatively poor performance of some RSCH services over recent years. The Trust’s capital plans should address some of these issues, leading to improved clinical outcomes and better patient experience.
4.1 Not relevant to this information report.
5.1 None undertaken for this information report.
6.1 Members are asked to note University Hospitals Sussex capital improvement plans.
7.1 Not applicable to this report for information
8.1 There are no legal implications to this report.
Name of lawyer consulted: Elizabeth Culbert Date consulted 01/06/2023
9.1 None directly for this information report. Members may wish to note the steps taken by UHSx to ensure that their capital developments meet the needs of people with protected characteristics, for example in terms of disability access, or in terms of providing an in-patient environment that supports the needs of people with dementia.
10.1 None directly for this information report. Members may wish to note the steps taken by UHSx to ensure that their capital developments are constructed and operated in a sustainable manner.
Supporting Documentation
1. Information provided by University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust on the Trust capital programme.